Prepare the Way

Prepare the Way

See, I am sending my messenger ahead of you, who will prepare your way,the voice of one crying out in the wilderness:‘Prepare the way of the Lord;make his paths straight.’(Mark 1:2)   The middle of Mark’s gospel - Mark 8:22-10:52 - has often been referred to as...

Summer Worship 2023

Summer Worship 2023

At its March 2023 meeting, Session unanimously approved a motion from us - the Worship Ministry Team - to move Sunday morning worship into the Fellowship Hall for all of June and July this summer. We’re excited about this and want to share more about this decision....

Engage 2023

Engage 2023

ENGAGE 2023A year-long journey of scripture and story God’s word is, at its heart, a story: the story of God and God’s people.  It was written in a particular time and space for a particular people.  God’s word is also “timeless” in the sense that its core purpose -...

End of Year Picnic 2022

End of Year Picnic 2022

Trinity family and friends met under the oaks after worship on May 22 for a special spring picnic! A complimentary lunch, catered by Phil’s Deli, and lots of fellowship filled us to the brim. Along with games, the kids jumped on the bounce house, waved bubble wands,...