What: Rally Day 2021 – We can’t wait to (safely) gather for Sunday School and kick-off our programs for children, youth and adults this Sunday! Rally Day is always a great time to reconnect with old friends, make new ones and get involved at TPC!
When/Where: September 12, 2021. Sunday school will start at 9:45 for both adults and children. Adults will gather in the Parlor to meet our new Weekday School Director or gather for coffee and hear our plans for adult programming this year. Kids will meet outside the Carson Fellowship Hall for games, bible stories, crafts, music and more! Worship and Steve’s Sabbatical Celebration will begin at 11:00 a.m. in the Sanctuary.
We hope to see you on Sunday, September 12! All are welcome!
COVID POLICY UPDATE: Session unanimously voted that all individuals, including children two years old and older, be required to wear a mask at all times while indoors until further notice. The COVID Advisory Group will be revisiting our recommendations frequently over the coming weeks and months and we anticipate that additional changes to Trinity’s policies will be needed to address concerning dynamics of this pandemic.