2015 Vision
In 2014, building on Trinity’s mission, the Session organized itself into three clusters of ministry teams:
EQUIP – Personnel, Finance, Capital Campaign, Buildings & Grounds
GROW – Christian Education, Youth, Worship, Membership, Congregational Care
SERVE – Events, Mission & Outreach, Stewardship, Weekday School
Each of these clusters, through careful discernment and with God’s help, created the following 2015 Vision Statement, along with a corresponding budget. This vision was unanimously and enthusiastically approved by the Session at its August meeting. A copy of the complete line item budget is readily available for anyone who wishes to have it. Please email Cheryl or Becky to obtain a copy.
Click HERE for a pdf version of the Vision Statement brochure.
EQUIP (Personnel, Finance, Capital Campaign, Buildings & Grounds)
We believe in providing a solid, consistent and comprehensive foundation for the church as it seeks to worship, study and serve. We will strive to effectively and faithfully manage our resources of people, treasure (our financial support) and our physical plant. We will support Trinity’s mission by sustaining our infrastructure, while at the same time responding proactively to inevitable change. With your support and with God’s blessing, in 2015 we will:
- Continue faithful stewardship of our Capital Campaign as it relates to the buildings and campus.
- Make the successful transition from a temporary associate pastor position to a permanent and called associate pastor position.
- Begin a four-year effort to balance annual income with annual expenses.
- Actively work toward growing the endowment and increasing its positive impact on the overall mission of the church.
- Actively work to address specifically identified smaller capital projects and begin to establish a reserve for major repairs.
GROW (Christian Education, Youth, Worship, Membership, Congregational Care)
We believe in rooting people in the living story of the Christian faith by fostering community among those who strive to grow through worship, study and service, and to live as God’s faithful people. We believe in telling the story in a way that transforms us so we may be open to each other, care for one another, and worship with music and poetry – all of which enhances our relationship with God and with each other. With your support and with God’s blessing, in 2015 we will:
- Create a comprehensive Sunday School ministry that includes a variety of adult learning opportunities and church-wide fellowship.
- Grow our youth ministry by expanding youth mission experiences during the annual congregational retreat at Montreat and providing summer conference opportunities for our middle schoolers.
- Implement a comprehensive new member ministry that involves informal gatherings and New Member Sundays to integrate new members into the overall life of the church.
- Continue to expand our church’s communication via our new website and the use of the Constant Contact Program.
Create a new proactive care and comfort ministry with our new Parish Associate Minister.
SERVE (Events, Mission & Outreach, Stewardship, Weekday School)
We believe in putting our Christian faith into action – being not only believers in Jesus but followers of Jesus. We believe in a faith that “reaches out” both within our church and outside its walls, seeking to enlarge the embrace of Christian love and practice. Through serving our God, we unite and inspire God’s people to love, to be disciples and to give back to God what we have received from God. With your support and with God’s blessing, in 2015 we will:
- Share Trinity’s campus to further develop our many outreach programs, including Room in the Inn, Freedom School, and Friendship Garden, that utilize the talents of our members.
- Coordinate and implement a multigenerational service project to foster a greater sense of Trinity’s mission.
- Host at least two events on our campus geared toward the surrounding neighborhood and larger community.
- Maintain and grow the Weekday School ministry by focusing on our surrounding neighborhood, increasing enrollment and engaging existing families so they feel more connected to our church programs.
- Provide the opportunity for participation in meaningful acts of stewardship, while offering a variety of new legacy gift options to help fund our ministries.
Continue to learn about Trinity’s impact on individual members of all ages through their shared personal stories.