Come and worship as you are. We do not seek to change you; rather, to provide space for you to grow in your unique faith journey.

Dress as you like; you will not be judged. While our worship style tends to be more traditional and many dress in their Sunday best, we want everyone to feel comfortable and encourage you to come as you are. We do not care what you wear.

Watch worship online HERE.

Music is a vital and beloved part of our Worship. The Trinity Choir offers anthems and solos that serve as prayer, praise and proclamation. Adults and students in 9th grade or higher are invited to join the choir. Members have a range of experience.

The Trinity Scholars are also an integral part of our choir. These Queens University students participate on Sundays and during special music events throughout the year.

Trinity congregants enjoy the sounds of a 1965 Moeller pipe organ, a restored 1939 Steinway piano, and a VanBergen carillon. Members of the Charlotte Symphony also join the Trinity Choir on special occasions.

Contact Justin Smith, Director of Music & Cultural Events, for more information. 

Other Church Services


Please contact our church office at 704-366-3554 for more information on these services for our church members and community.


Contact the church office to order chancel flowers for the Sanctuary in tribute to a loved one or special occasion. 

Sunday Greeters

Thank you for your interest in volunteering to be a Sunday Greeter at Trinty.  The purpose of Greeters is to be a welcoming and warm presence for our members and especially, visitors.  Click HERE to learn more!

YOur First Sunday

Worship Time

11:00 a.m. (Sanctuary & online)

Sunday School

September – May

9:45 a.m.


Children 4 and under, 10:00 a.m. through Worship. We love having children in Worship. They may borrow a Trinity Tote at one of the Sanctuary entrances to use during the service.


Park in the lot directly off Providence Road and enter the Sanctuary for Worship. For Sunday School, use our Welcome Center entrance in the horseshoe. Additional parking is in the back. Signs and friendly faces will direct you.

After-service Coffee

Join us in the Parlor, adjacent to the Sanctuary, for coffee, cookies, and fellowship following Worship.