About Worship


The Shorter Catechism, approved in 1648 as a means to educate people in the Christian faith, states that “the chief end of man is to glorify God and enjoy him forever.” When we, from divergent paths, do this together as the body of Christ, it is worship.

At Trinity’s worship services Communion is shared, babies and adults are baptized, the word is proclaimed, and we prepare ourselves to return to the world from which we came. Throughout the liturgical year there are special services to mark occasions in the life of Christ that nourish us in our faith: Christmas Eve, Ash Wednesday, Good Friday and others.

At marriage ceremonies we witness once more the mystical union of Christ with the church as we observe vows being taken. We worship God at weddings and funerals because we know that God, true to the promise to be where two or three are gathered, is with us in our times of joy and our times of grief. So we glorify God for the resurrection and enjoy the comfort God provides in community.

Because we are a family of faith, we worship together. We come before our creator and confess our sins, receive forgiveness and are given bread for the journey that is life. There is something holy about this time we spend together. Holiness is nothing short of the presence of the living God. It is God’s house where we gather and we open loving and welcoming arms to all who would join us in this place.