When: March 2 – 9, 2024
Where: Calvert City, Kentucky
Cost Per Participant: $125
Age of Participants: Must be 18 years or older
Sign up deadline: February 1, 2023

Click HERE to Sign Up

Trip Information: Through Presbyterian Disaster Assistance and hosted by Calvert City Presbyterian Church, a combined group from Sardis and Trinity Presbyterian Church will be traveling to assist with disaster relief work due to damage by tornados in Kentucky. Our group will be doing home repair, not new construction work.

A leader from Calvert City Presbyterian Church writes, “On December 10, 2021, a massive storm spawned a killer tornado that struck the area approximately eight miles from Calvert City. While the tornado did not directly impact our church or church members, we do have family members and friends whose homes were damaged or destroyed. In our county 224 homes were destroyed and hundreds damaged. There have been approximately 735 homes, in our county, that received damage, but the homeowners do not have insurance or resources to repair them.  So, getting people back in their homes is a big concern.”

Want to go on the trip to help cook for the group and not do manual labor on the worksite? We are open to 1-2 others coming on the trip just to help with meal prep for part or all of the week. You can indicate that you would like to come along as a cook/meal prep volunteer on the registration form.

An informative meeting will be held on Sunday, January 21, following worship (with a light lunch provided) to learn more about the trip and answer any questions you might have.

On February 4 at 2:00 p.m., we will gather with Sardis to go over a detailed meeting of the trip (packing list, getting to know each other, driving coordinations).

We hope you will consider joining us! Please don’t hesitate to reach out to Rev. Rebecca Heilman or Peter Devlin for more information. Check out the Presbyterian Disaster Assistance Website HERE for more information as well.


**Some cars will be leaving on Friday, March 8 in order to be back for the Gilchrist Lecture Series on March 9.**