When the Answer is “No”

Steve Lindsley 2 Samuel 7: 1-14 (Selected Verses) When I was fourteen years old, I thought for certain that I was going to get an electric guitar for Christmas. I mean, in my mind, it wasn’t a matter of “if,” it was “when” – and that “when” was going to be Christmas...

Stay Salty

Ryan Atkinson Isaiah 58:1-9A Matthew 5:13-20 (Selected Verses) Our language, as well as all languages of humanity, is made up of dozens upon dozens of sayings that can mean different things to different people and span generations of time. They can be “as clear as a...

A Wild Goose and a Raptor

Steve Lindsley Acts 2: 1-20 (Selected Verses) Methodist minister Dave Faulker tells the story of a pastor visiting a children’s Sunday school class one morning. They’d been learning about the Trinity that month. Tell me what you’ve learned so far, he asks. Who’s the...

Just the Crumbs, Jesus?

Steve Lindsley Matthew 15: 1-9, 21-28 (Selected Verses) A few years back, a pastor colleague of mine gave me the best advice when it comes to preaching: our job, he said, is not to tell people what to think, but what to think about. Not what to think, but what to...

The Mantle’s Questions

Steve Lindsley 2 Kings 2: 1-15 The two journey together, as they’d been doing for a while now. They go wherever God leads them. And when they go, they go together. Mentor and pupil, seasoned veteran and young protege. They’ve done this enough times that it feels...