Our New Sessional Ministry Team Structure in 2025

In 2023, with a recommendation from the Officer Nominating Committee and subsequent approval of both the session and congregation, Trinity adopted a plan to reduce the size of the session from 16 elders (fifteen serving three-year terms plus one youth elder serving a...
Job Openings

Job Openings

Join Our Team! Come be part of an exciting, supportive staff leadership team as we seek to serve God’s people in our quest to “grow together and welcome all.” There are no job openings at this time. ...

Sing A New Song: The Angel’s Song of Peace

Dr. Steve Lindsley(Luke 2: 1-14)  To watch our Christmas Eve service in its entirety, click HERE.   Must be able to sing. That was the one line in the job posting that had him questioning whether he should apply.  And it was a shame, because everything else...

God’s Creative Connection – When Wonderful Is Hard

Dr. Steve Lindsley (Genesis 18: 1-15; 21: 1-7) Sarah laughed. That’s what jumps out at us in this story, don’t you think?  More than the three strangers who mysteriously showed up one day, catching Abraham’s attention.  More than the over-the-top hospitality Abraham...

Peter Writes His Easter Story

Steve Lindsley (Acts 8: 26-40) For the past few weeks we’ve been reliving the Easter story of our faith – and not just the “day of resurrection” story but some of the subsequent Easter stories that sprung from it.  We’ve been doing this in the spirit of the Toni...