The Search for the Missing Piece

Steve Lindsley Luke 15: 1-10 I have a distinct memory of Sunday afternoons growing up in the Lindsley home.  It consisted of four things once we got home from church: Mom’s amazing Sunday meal, Redskins football on the TV, a fire in the fireplace, and puzzles.  My Dad...

Beautifully and Wonderfully Made

Rev. Rebecca Heilman-Campbell Psalm 139: 1-15 In 2015, Ira Glass from This American Life radio show reported on what they titled and Norman Rockwell titled his famous painting of Ruby Bridges, The Problem We All Live With. Glass speaks to the New York Times Magazine...

Stop Freaking Out

Steve Lindsley Luke 24: 36-48 Our scripture today from the gospel of Luke begins rather awkwardly: While they were talking about this….  While they were talking about this. And you know what this reminds me of?  This reminds me of folks you and I both know – God...

Not a Period, But a Comma

Steve Lindsley 1 Samuel 3: 1-10 You can tell when someone is listening to you – I mean, really listening to you.  They’re not playing with their cell phone; they’re not distracted watching TV or reading a book.  No – when someone is really listening to you, you have...

It’s Not About the Destination

Steve Lindsley Genesis 12: 1-5; Hebrews 11:1-13, 12: 1-2 I am someone who, generally speaking, loves flying.  Granted, the seats are more cramped these days, and I’m not my best self when my flight is delayed.  And I’m more of a fan of taking off than landing.  But...

There Went the Star

Matthew 2:1-12Rev. Rebecca M Heilman-Campbell It’s hard for me to not compare the two birth narratives in our Scripture.One in Luke and one in Matthew. Often during the advent and Christmas Season,we focus on the Luke passages. They are much more dynamic, active, they...