Waiting Well

Dr. Steve Lindsley(Matthew 25: 1-13)  I have this recurring dream – some might call it a nightmare, depending on how you look at it. The scenery and context change; but it is always Sunday morning, it is always right before worship, and I am going to be late. ...

I Am Reminded…

Rev. Rebecca Heilman-Campbell(2 Timothy 1:3-7;11-14) Two years ago, I was sitting on the beach with my Mom and my then 6-year-old nephew. I’m certainly biased, but my nephew is the most curious, empathetic and amazing little boy. That summer, he went through a long...

Sermon by Olanda Carr – Response Sunday

Orlanda Carr  Good morning!   It is a pleasure to be here this morning at Trinity Presbyterian.  As a Ministry Relations Officer for the Presbyterian Foundation, I frequently travel all around the Mid-Atlantic region, meeting with congregations on a variety of topics,...

What We Render

Dr. Steve Lindsley(Matthew 22: 15-22) I’m wondering this morning if you dislike “gotcha questions” as much as I do – those questions that intentionally do not have a clear-cut answer; that are asked in the hope of catching you off-guard or making you appear to...

The Persistent Widow

Rev. Rebecca Heilman-Campbell(Luke 18: 1-8) There’s an old Japanese proverb that goes something like this, “Fall seven times and stand up eight.” “Fall seven times and stand up eight.” Of course, this is a quote about perseverance and the resilience to get right back...

Let’s Get Real About Transformation

Rev. Rebecca Heilman-Campbell and Dr. Steve Lindsley(John 20: 11-18) The reality we need to acknowledge: The future is bright, if we’re bold enough to live into it.  REBECCA  The poet, Ross Gay, pulls us into his small, joyful life vignettes in his new book, The Book...