Child & Youth Ministry
At every baptism at Trinity, we the congregation pledge to support the child to help him or her at every step along their faith journey. One of the many ways we do this is to provide meaningful, educational, and entertaining Sunday School classes for all from September through May. There is no Sunday School during the summer months and worship starts 11 a.m.
Infant and Toddler Class (ages Birth – 23 months): This class meets in Room 114 (the Church nursery) from 9:45-12pm. There are two consistent childcare workers each Sunday who play music, sing songs, and read stories. The room is also filled with age-appropriate toys to help us care for our children at Trinity.
Preschool Class (2-4yr olds): This class meets in Room 116 and has Sunday School from 11-12pm. Children in this class can go to the Infant and Toddler Room from 9:45-10:45am and then are brought to the preschool class during the worship service. The Whirl curriculum is used to teach Bible Stories and then apply them to a life of faith. Hands-on crafts and projects are part of the lessons.
TK/K/1st Grade: This class meets in Room 1 in Foundation Hall (underneath the Sanctuary) at 9:45 a.m. This class uses the church calendar to teach children about the life of the church while using faith based stories to enhance their learning.
2nd/3rd Grade: This class meets in Room 5 of Foundation Hall (underneath the Sanctuary) at 9:45 a.m. This class studies the stories of the Old Testament.
4th/5th Grade: This class meets in Room 6 in Foundation Hall (underneath the Sanctuary) at 9:45 a.m. and studies stories of the New Testament.
Youth (6th – 12th Grade): The class meets in the Youth Center at 9:45 a.m. and explores scripture as it relates to life situations and social issues.
Childcare – Children ages 5 & up attend the Worship Service. Younger children are always welcome! Sunday School for 4 and under is available in the Infant/Toddler Class and the Preschool Class (Rooms 114 and 116). Look for signs when you arrive, or ask a Trinity member.