Fellowship At Trinity

Fellowship At Trinity


The Apostle Paul tell us “where two or more are gathered in my name, I am there among them.”

At Trinity, we know this extends beyond Sunday morning worship at 11 a.m. We invite all worshippers to the Parlor for our After-Service Coffee, which includes lemonade. It’s a time to socialize and our ministers will be available to answer any questions you have about Trinity.

We host an annual church picnic in May, a summer family gathering in August, regular adult socials, our “Fifth Sunday” lunches, youth and adult mission trips, and, of course, our annual retreat to Montreat in October. All of these give us the opportunity to know better our brothers and sisters in Christ – church members as well as visitors and friends.

More information about fellowship and events can be found on the home page or in our bi-monthly Postscripts newsletter. If you would like to subscribe to church newsletter emails, please visit our Connect Page to subscribe.

We look forward to being in fellowship with you!