The Session has called a Congregational Meeting for Sunday, September 13, 2020, immediately following Worship to act on recommendations from the Officer Nominating Committee regarding the election of new elders and members of the Officer Nominating Committee.
Elders Class of 2023

Bev Bradley
Bev was caught a bit off guard when she was asked to serve on Session, and even more surprised when she felt God nudging her to say yes. It’s been awhile since Bev was actively involved at Trinity, and she looks forward to discovering how God will lead her to serve. Bev and her husband, Doug, joined Trinity nearly 30 years ago, and raised their boys, Wil and Wes, here. She has served on Session and pastor nominating committees, participated in mission trips and VBS, and worked on various ministry teams and committees. Bev works in IT at Queens University. Bev enjoys tennis, pickleball, travel, hiking, and college football.

Peiffer Brandt
My connection to Trinity started in junior high when my family joined. I was confirmed and served as an acolyte as a youth. My wife, Lauren, and I were married at Trinity in 2005 and our three children, Kate, Eleanor, and Davis, were baptized here. Previously, I have served as an acolyte coordinator, an usher captain, and on various committees including Worship and Officer Nominating. Outside of Trinity, I have worked for a financial and management consulting firm for the past 22 years. I look forward to serving on the Session.

Amy Bynum
Trinity has been my church home since I was a child; in fact, my husband and I were married in the sanctuary. After briefly living in Atlanta. GA and Mobile, AL, Gordon and I returned to Charlotte and both work at Providence Day, where he serves as the Assistant Head of Upper School/Dean of Students, and I teach 7th and 8th grade English. We have two daughters, Caroline, a recent graduate from UNC Chapel Hill, and Louisa, a freshman at Washington and Lee. I’ve served on Trinity’s session once before and look forward to doing it again.

Caryl Stribling
Caryl is married to Bruce Stribling and they have one son, Daniel. After being a lifelong Lutheran, she and Daniel joined Trinity in 2017. She is recently retired from the US Dept of Labor, following nearly 33 years of dedicated service. She has numerous hobbies, including remodeling/construction, gardening, hiking, reading, crafts, sports, and cooking/baking. A lifetime volunteer at Children’s Theatre of Charlotte, Caryl has also thoroughly enjoyed time spent volunteering at Nations Ford Elementary. She looks forward to spending more time with mother-in-law, Goldie, and being more involved in Trinity activities.

Christie Jameson
My husband, John, and I have lived in Charlotte 14 years. After graduating from USC and the Queens University Master’s program, I taught third grade. Now, I am a stay at home mother to Cooper, Everette, and Emmie, as well as our beloved dog, CeCe. For most of my life, I never had a solid church community. Slowly but surely, we found our way to Trinity. It has become a major part of our family. Being here has helped me explore and grow my faith. Serving on the Building and Grounds Ministry Team, Christian Formation Ministry Team, and Mentor Team has taught me so much. To serve as a member of the Elder Class of 2023 would be an honor.

Hank Smith - Elder Class of 2021
Hank Smith is 15 years old and is a sophomore at Myers Park High School. He is the son of Matt and Sherese Smith, and the brother to Sally Smith. Hank was baptized at Trinity in 2005, was confirmed in May 2019, and is active in Youth Group. At Myers Park, Hank runs cross country and is a Class representative for SGA (Student Government Association). In his free time, Hank enjoys golf, basketball, tennis, and fishing. Hank is excited about serving on Session and learning more about the leadership of the church, as well as being a voice for the youth and children of Trinity.
Officer Nominating Committee At-Large Members
Richard Williams
Laura Gutknecht