See, I am sending my messenger ahead of you, who will prepare your way,
the voice of one crying out in the wilderness:
‘Prepare the way of the Lord;
make his paths straight.’
(Mark 1:2)
The middle of Mark’s gospel – Mark 8:22-10:52 – has often been referred to as “The Way” – Jesus intimately sharing with his disciples what it means to truly follow him in the world. He assures them of the coming kingdom of God, as well as preparing them for the inevitable challenges that come with it – namely in the cross.
Following Jesus is not something that just “happens.” It takes intentionality, preparation, and a willingness to constantly grow and change. Jesus has come to prepare the way for us – and our own preparation is part of that.
This fall, we at Trinity are going to do some preparing ourselves – preparing for what it is that Jesus is leading us to as we discern what it truly means to “grow together and welcome all.” Together we will prepare the way…
….to “get real” about the church – a September/October sermon series from Steve and Rebecca, “Let’s Get Real,” where they speak frankly and from the heart about how lament, healing, celebration, and transformation can lead our church into its exciting future;
….to connect and be community with each other – Tables for Eight and other fellowship opportunities;
….to support the work and ministry of God’s church in the coming year – our fall Stewardship season
….to continue growing together in our faith – Christian nurture and formation
….for the birth of Jesus into our lives – an Advent sermon series
Join us as we prepare the way for this fall at Trinity!
If you missed any of the sermons from the “Let’s Get Real” sermon series, visit the links below to read the sermons or watch the broadcast.