In 1935 in Germany, with the drumbeat of the Third Reich getting louder, theologian Dietrich Bonhoeffer helped to found a special community of Christians in the small town of Finkenwalde, to practically explore how followers of Jesus live together and support one another in an uncertain world. His seminal work Life Together chronicles this experience and outlines the kind of life they shared together.
On Sunday mornings from April 14 through May 19, Steve will lead us as we explore this book and what Bonhoeffer’s community might have to say to us in the uncertain world we’re living in today. This discussion-based class will guide us as we seek to be faithful followers of Jesus together.
Participants should purchase their own copy of the book in advance and read Chapter One before coming to class on April 14. It’s also suggested that you use the “Reader’s Edition” version of the book, which you can purchase from Amazon HERE.
Participants can also listen to THIS FOUR-PART PODCAST that explores the life of Bonhoeffer, providing excellent context for better understanding not only his book but his life’s work.
Questions? Please see Steve.