Music Notes from Justin

Music Notes from Justin

Today’s music is an “arrangement” (deconstruction might be a better word) by Knut Nystedt, who spent most of his life in Oslo, Norway, where he was organist at Torshov Church and taught choral conducting at the University of Oslo. He also founded the...
Gilchrist Sunday – March 20, 2022

Gilchrist Sunday – March 20, 2022

Gilchrist Sunday is an annual Lenten speaker series that connects Trinity and the wider community with leading theologians and ministers to dig deeper into what it means to be a faithful witness in today’s world. Founded in 1982 and named for charter members Pat and...
Justice Drive

Justice Drive

Join us for our first Justice Drive of Charlotte, NC (yes, an actual drive through the city of Charlotte)! We have designed a roadmap with certain destinations that focus on issues around justice in our community. You are invited to drive to and be in prayer while at...